Today I had the pleasure of seeing my godparents Socorro and Jose Rodriguez after almost a year of not visiting with them. I remember calling my Godmother and telling her the news about my pregnancy. She was so surprised and shocked that she made me cry. She called me a few days ago and told me when she finally got to see Daniela she was going to give her a big hug. When she finally arrived, I was so excited that Daniela was up and awake. My mom and Godmother immediately went over to her as did my godfather. Madrina Socorro picked her up and started talking to her. Daniela was wide awake looking at her and smiling. At one point my godmother sat in the rocking chair and had the baby who was a little fussy. She began to sing her a song and had her up near her heart. She told me that was how she used to put me to sleep. Daniela dozed off and we put her in the playard. My godmother has always been one to drop little pearls of wisdom every time we talk. Today she gave us a card that said to enjoy every minute with Daniela because they grow up so fast.
Imagine that 37 years ago I was about a month old and my godmother was singing me to sleep. History repeated itself in the most beautiful way today. I can’t wait for her aunties Antonia and Carmen to come next month. I put the photos in the gallery.
Are you sure u didnt make a mistake?did u mean 27 instead of 37?
Unfortunately Niti you read the correct age. I turned 37 December 20th. Daniela and I are Sagittarians; poor Raul LOL
Hope you and your husband are well. Blessings and thanks for stopping by.
That is great!! I love those ladies to death, and know they will enjoy and love Daniela more then they love and cherish us! LOL HOpe to see you soon. We are planning a trip this year!
We had a good time with them today! Can’t wait for you to come and visit!